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OUR PASTOR: Larry Schmoekel


Larry Schmoekel(shown in right picture) is joined by his loving wife Anne Schmoekel, of 45 years. He has pastored at Collins United Methodist Church for the previous 7 1/2 years, but pastored at Trinity Evangical Presbyterian Church for 20+ years. 


Larry is not only the pastor of the church, but the heart of it. He has devoted his life to God, and his wife. He attended college at Missouri Valley, where he played tennis, and attended their Seminary School. 

He is not only the pastor of CUMC, but the Administrator of Faith Christian Academy. Faith is a small, private Christian school in Columbia City, Indiana. He has been employed at Faith for 8+ years now.


He often takes the comical road, saying "The Bill's in the Mail" and is often caught pulling his neck tie!(This is when you know to laugh)! He is a Jeopardy fanatic, and is always getting the questions right. 

Collins United Methodist Church


Collins United Methodist Church has been around for a LONG time. The church celebrated its 100 year anniversary last year, and is quickly gaining new members. They usually have around 60 people in attendance, and that is quickly inclining. The church has Sunday school, which starts at 9:00 Randy and Paula Grawcock time, and is just a great time. Right now, they are studying the book of Daniel.


The regular church service starts at 10:15A.M. 




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