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Elders/Oldest Members


Its hard to think that our church has been around for 100 years, but it is even harder to think that multiple people have been there for over half of that time. Tom and Lois Cormany, and Carolyn Grawcock have all been at Collins for oover 50 years.



We have some of the best "Musicians" in our church. Ken Ellis, is our guitar player. He sings also. Kathy Studebaker is our Organist, along with Steve Cornelious. Steve plays before the service starts, and Kathy is our hymnal organist. Sue Devito is our flute player Our vocalists in our praise team are Mark Overdeer, Lisa Watermann, and Sharon Bertrand.

Youth/Youth Group


Our youth group meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:03, and end at 7:33. Our youth leader is Lisa Watermann. She is also our vocalist in our Praise team. We hold many events, and are in middle of two right now. On February 23, we have our 30 hour famine, where we don't eat for 30 hours. Then, we have our Pokegan tobagganing trip on January 23. 

Sunday school


Right now in Sunday School we are studying the book of Daniel. We will continue to go through our book, which we have just begun to read. before this segment in our class, we went for a walk in the Bible, in which we learned hand motions for the major parts of the Old Testament.

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